Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Professional Translation Services

Professional Translation Services - Experts Reveal Some Pointers for Hiring Professional Translation Services
There are literally thousands of agencies out there providing professional translation services, as well as independent translators. How do you choose the right one for you? How do you find the one that will meet your needs, by supplying error-free translations that precisely communicate the meaning of the originaldocument ? How can you be sure they will use the vocabulary and style most suitable for the intended use of the translation and target audience? Experts give tips that will help you hire the professional translation services that best suit your needs.
first-rate Translators = premium Quality
Experts recommend that you hire a translation agency instead of a independent translator, because an agency can ensure quality, like no independent translator can (unless you know the person, or have really great references). Agencies hire certified, qualified, and translators with experience who specialize in their areas of knowledge. They are supposed to prove that they master the necessary vocabulary and skills to provide an faithful translation and to respect accurately the message, sense, style and purpose of the original document. Agencies also typically have another translator revise, edit, proofread, or confirm translation before providing you with the finished document.
Not too high, not too low
When considering costs and estimates, consider that if you pay rock-bottom prices, you will get what you pay for. First-rate quality has its cost. However, first-rate professional translation services don´t necessarily have to cost you a pretty penny. A good agency will be able to offer reasonable prices, while maintaining quality standards.
Experience is one of the most important factors
Experts recommend you hire an agency that has years of experience supplying professional translation services, as well as extensive work in the language or areas in question. Those that provide professional translation services generally have a variety of working languages, as well as translators who are experienced in scientific or technical subjects, translation of legal papers, and medical documents, just to mention a few areas of expertise.
So, when you have to hire professional translation services, make sure you carefully consider all of your options in terms of quality, price, and experience. If your goal is to pay the lowest price possible, sadly a mistake made by many, it might end up costing you a great deal more. If the agency you hire does not have skilled translators or maintain quality standards, you will get a translation that is a poor reflection of the source text.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Tips in Motivating Students

Maintaining student motivation during classroom discussion is the most difficult steps in delivering educational subject matter. Here are some tips to maintain student's interest. Most of the time, intelligent student stays with you during lesson proper while the average student can lose their attention due to their classmate or friends noisiness.
Classroom management is a skills that teacher learn gradually. Normally, teacher will acquire this after one full year of experience. Knowing this technique will help teacher easily adjust to the teaching and learning situation.
1. Praises should be informal. Other student should hear teacher praises so that he/she will boost his own confident.
2. Give him additional task after the classes. The task should be unusual to the student so it will not serve as ordinary teachers favor. Asking student to check test paper involve great trust to the student. The pupils will directly feel the trust of the teachers. Give this technique right at the moment the student get a good score in quiz. Rotate the task to others to bring more motivation.
3. Show to the student some respect by asking their opinion in matured problem. It means the problem should not be included in the lesson. It might be political, social or environmental. This question will motivate the student to think of the future. Make sure the level of question is enough for him/her to answer or produce answer in the future.
4. Be watchful on student specific development. Once you see some, let them speak with you on they did the task or let them speaks before the class.
5. Avoid creating intense competition among students. Competition produces anxiety, which can interfere with learning. Reduce students' tendencies to compare themselves to one another
6. Find student interest and once you have it, exhaust more effort to bring the new task to satisfactory level.
7. Vary your teaching methods periodically. Modify your teaching approach at least twice in a week.

What Happens When Real Educators Get Real About Education?

So, you think you want to change our educational system do you? You think that we need to work on actually teaching how to think rather than how to recite or memorize, well me too! In fact, I've been spending the last couple of years going over this problem and the challenge we all face in the future if we cannot solve these dilemmas. So, if you are serious about fixing our educational system, then perhaps you might like to read this book:
"Preparation for Life: The Paradox of Education in the Late Twentieth Century" Edited by Joan N. Burnstyn; The Falmer Press, Philadelphia, PA; 1986.
This book is a compilation of some of the best researchers and their words of wisdom back in the 1980s and it will blow you away with regards to the educator's views at the time, their honesty and integrity about what is wrong with education and why something drastic must be done about it as we move into the future.
So, this book was made in 1986, yes, 20-years ago and many of their dire predictions have come true, and it's really too bad, because today we hear the same warnings and message from top educators, so, what is wrong with this picture.
Are we indeed, doomed to repeat, unable to educate our societies and workforce? And what about our future teachers, aerospace engineers and scientists or what about our future of Biotech, nanotech and green tech; just who in the world is going to work on all these complex computer systems or program the next Artificial Intelligent robots? Hmm?

Some Older Artificial Intelligence Books Are Worth Reading

Indeed, as a Renaissance Man, I am interested in all subjects of the human experience, the flows of civilization and the technology past, present and future, but, I am not one to go and recommend that you re-read old science books, when the world in the last few decades has become so technologically advanced, everything has changed. In fact, a PhD in many sectors 10-years ago is almost worthless today. Still, I'd like to recommend an old AI or Artificial Intelligence book from back in the 1980s to you:
"The Handbook of Artificial Intelligence" by Avron Barr, Paul R. Cohen and Edward Feingenbaum; HeurisTech Press, Stanford, CA; 1982
This book takes us back to the first real discoveries in artificial intelligent programming, and has over 250 contributors and is some 1200 pages in three volumes, all of which are jam packed with projects, information, and research references from the top scientists of the day. This is brilliant stuff, and indeed, it kind of makes you wonder if mankind has gotten stupider or if all the most recent research has been hidden from view and is well beyond most folks' comprehension now.
Having just completed volume two, I am completely humbled by the dedication, knowledge and shear genius behind some of the special projects listed in this book. Volume II deals with programming languages, the early ones and applications that were state-of-the-art back then in the day. Some of which have changed the way we view medicine, education and research.

From Drake's Equation to Probability Mathematics - There is Intelligent Life in the Universe

How will mankind cope with knowledge that there are other intelligent life forms in the Universe, many that are vastly more powerful in the mind than mere human beings? Will religion allow this these findings or deny them, how might they go about explaining the truth or concealing it? Scientists know it is only a matter of time; if not in this generation the next or the next one after that.
With our latest technology at Seti and the advanced systems replacing the Hubble Telescope we are on the verge of discovery. Mankind will move out and seek the stars and it will change all we are and all we think in the process. Are we ready, some of us are, but are you?
Well, if you would like to explore this topic to its fullest and the reality of the probability behind it, then I would sure like to recommend a very excellent book to you.
"Probability 1; Why There Must Be Intelligent Life in the Universe" by AmirD. Aczel; 1998.