Monday, January 18, 2010

What Happens When Real Educators Get Real About Education?

So, you think you want to change our educational system do you? You think that we need to work on actually teaching how to think rather than how to recite or memorize, well me too! In fact, I've been spending the last couple of years going over this problem and the challenge we all face in the future if we cannot solve these dilemmas. So, if you are serious about fixing our educational system, then perhaps you might like to read this book:
"Preparation for Life: The Paradox of Education in the Late Twentieth Century" Edited by Joan N. Burnstyn; The Falmer Press, Philadelphia, PA; 1986.
This book is a compilation of some of the best researchers and their words of wisdom back in the 1980s and it will blow you away with regards to the educator's views at the time, their honesty and integrity about what is wrong with education and why something drastic must be done about it as we move into the future.
So, this book was made in 1986, yes, 20-years ago and many of their dire predictions have come true, and it's really too bad, because today we hear the same warnings and message from top educators, so, what is wrong with this picture.
Are we indeed, doomed to repeat, unable to educate our societies and workforce? And what about our future teachers, aerospace engineers and scientists or what about our future of Biotech, nanotech and green tech; just who in the world is going to work on all these complex computer systems or program the next Artificial Intelligent robots? Hmm?

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